5 Email Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Email marketing is one of the oldest tools the digital revolution gave to businesses looking to attract new customers, while keeping older ones. The fact that we’re still using email marketing to bring in business speaks to how useful it is, but just because a strategy can work that doesn’t guarantee it will work. If you’re thinking about trying to leverage the power of email to help swell your customer base, here are some of the top mistakes you need to be sure you don’t make in your upcoming campaign.

Here’s the 5 Email Marketing Mistakes You Need To Avoid:

Mistake #1: Over-Hyping Your Subject Line

According to Zapier, one of the worst mistakes you can make when it comes to email marketing is treating the subject line like the title of a Buzzfeed article. While a sensational headline might get your viewers excited the first time, if the body of the email doesn’t deliver on the promises being made, then that’s going to damage your audience’s trust. The more damage that gets done, the less interest even the most carefully crafted subject line will generate. Eventually, it’s likely that your emails will get ignored entirely, much like the boy who cried wolf.

Mistake #2: Providing No Value

Value is a word that gets tossed around a lot when it comes to marketing, but it’s particularly important when it comes to email marketing. If a customer or potential customer is taking the time to read the messages you’re sending out, then you need to make sure there’s something useful in them. It might be a special coupon, information about an upcoming sale, or a recall notice, but your messages need to be seen as useful to those on the mailing list if you expect them to keep reading. Emails with no value, such as communications that try to expressly sell the reader something on the spot, are going to lead to a drop in interest.

Mistake #3: Ignoring Responses (Or Lack of Responses)

Sales and Marketing says that the definition of insanity is doing the same action time and time again, but expecting different results. Which is why, if you send out a particular type of email, and it gets a bunch of negativity, you should make sure not to do that again. The same is true if the latest round of emails garnered nothing but cricket chirps. When your audience gives you feedback, or your numbers say nothing of note happened, you need to take that into consideration to change your next plan of attack.

Mistake #4: Making it About You, Not About The Customer

Customers are, in a very real sense, the center of your world as a business. You want to make sure they’re happy, engaged, and that they are pleased with everything you’re doing for them. The same is true when you send out your latest round of email marketing. If the email is all about you, and how great you are, and what you’re doing, it’s going to turn customers off. Whereas if you make it all about them, and how valued they are, they’re going to feel special. Which means they’re more likely to keep doing business with you.

Mistake #5: Using Constant Calls to Action

A call to action is a necessity in any email marketing campaign. You need to include it so your readers know what you want them to do, and how they can get the offers you’re making. If you put a call to action in every paragraph, though, it’s going to lose its effectiveness. It’s better to have one, big call to action at the end, than a dozen smaller ones throughout your message.

For more email marketing hazards you should avoid, simply contact us today!