6 Tips for Improving E-Commerce Conversions

Running an e-commerce business can be a lot of work, and often results in widely varying conversion numbers depending upon the product or the business as a whole. However, there are some simple things that can be done that will help you to improve your conversion rates and grow your business as a whole, across all pages on your website. Although individually split-testing each page of your website will certainly yield excellent results, what you really need to do is to ensure that you have a good baseline to begin testing with, so that you can maximize your conversions from the start. Here are a few simple tips that you can follow to improve the conversions of your e-commerce store and grow your business organically.

High Quality Product Images

Your customers will want to get a good look at what they are buying before they make the commitment. It is shocking how many e-commerce websites are using low resolution, low-quality images of their products, or are simply using the stock image from the manufacturer. If you want to make your products more appealing to a wider audience, bring in a professional product photographer who can help you to ensure that you are putting your best foot forward and giving your customers an ideal look at the product that they will be purchasing.

Excellent Copy

When a customer makes the decision to buy a product, a large percentage of the time (whether they know it or not) it is based on the things that they have read about the product. You don’t want your product copy to convince them to buy from you, you want your copy to lead them toward convincing themselves to buy from you. The best sales copy is going to provide a complete look at your product and allow your customers to make the best decision for themselves.

Use Videos

Using videos seems like such a simple step forward for E-Commerce websites that it is a little bit of a mystery why more e-commerce businesses don’t use them to their advantage. A great video can show a product in use, place increased focused on the benefits that a product provides, and allow your visitors to make a more personal connection with your company. Brainstorm ways in which you can put your products on display through videos.

Offer Customization Where Applicable

One great way to get your audience more interested in your product is to make them feel like they had a hand in deciding the overall look and functionality. Although not possible for all products, adding customization options is a great way to ensure that your customers are engaged in the checkout process and reduce cart abandonment by quite a large amount. Try to offer customization when it makes sense for the product to create a personal connection with those that are buying from you.

Transparent Shipping

Another consideration that must be taken into account is how many of your customers you are scaring away with high shipping rates. Many e-commerce websites build their shipping pricing straight into the product pricing so that there are no surprises throughout the checkout process, which can reduce cart abandonment and improve conversions.

Sales and Specials

Everyone loves a good sale. When you have items in your store that are on sale, put those items from and center on your homepage and make it clear that they are receiving a great limited-time offer. Make it clear that the sale will not last long to encourage your customers to make a quick decision.

If you would like to improve the conversion rate of your e-commerce website and learn more about effectively marketing your products to your audience, please contact us today to schedule your initial risk-free consultation with our digital marketing experts.